Our mission is to enable individuals with no knowldge of the food they consume and their health risks to certain foods to live healthier and longer lives!
The Elyxr Potion platform takes into consideration the nutritional content of the food item and tailors individual choices based on your DNA health & nutrional reports. Over time based on your personal food preferences Elyxr will learn to better customize your daily meals.
Step 1
Take a quick DNA test with you prefered provider and upload your raw DNA test results or your health & nutitional report.
Step 2
Once we are done processing your report, you will have access to a personalized dashboard with you current health status. Here you will have to add some basic information about yourself. Optionally, you can specify health goals.
Step 3
Enable Elyxr Potion on your google assistant or smart devices. Just ask Elyxr if it a meal item is okay to consume. We are curretly in beta so email us your google assistant registered email to get access.